Stephen has spent much of his life attending concerts including those in which his partner, children and, more recently, grandchildren have participated. It wasn’t only the home piano, violin or trumpet practice that contributed to his becoming a passionate music lover!

Since retiring from full-time work a love of sacred choral music has led to many visits to the great English, Scandinavian, French and other European cathedrals as well as places like Leipzig, Dresden and Oberammergau (twice for the Passion Play) to hear their choirs.

In addition to preparing and presenting programmes for 2MBS Fine Music Sydney, Stephen is Chairman of the Radio Community Chest Inc., a not-for-profit charity that presents an annual performance of Handels great oratorio “Messiah” at the Sydney Town Hall, supports excellence in choral music, and assists needy people in Sydney.

Stephen graduated Senior Associate of the Securities Institute of Australia, is a past Chairman of the Australian Shareholders Association Limited and when not volunteering he manages a family investment and property portfolio, and tries to catch up on the reading that was not possible during much of his professional life